Sunday, April 18, 2021

There is a reason for the smell of the toilet! 3 magic recipes to deodorize and remove dirt

After using clean and beautiful tiles for a period of time, the tiles will become stained and unsightly. This article introduces three cheap and commonly used items that make cleaning ceramic tiles super easy.

1. Tooth powder

Taiwan's "Now I Know" program introduced the method of cleaning bathroom tiles with tooth powder. Cheap tooth powder not only has the effect of cleaning and decontamination, but because it has fine particles, it also has a grinding effect, which can rub off the dirt of the tiles without damaging the surface. When cleaning, you can use a sponge directly, or put a sink filter on the sponge to increase friction. In addition, don't lose it with the rest of the soap head, you can put it in the net cover, dip it in some water, and directly clean the surface of the tile. It is also very useful.

2. Lemonade

There is a lot of dirt gathered at the joints of the tiles, which will grow bacteria and turn black over time. Use one tablespoon of citric acid and 200cc of water to make a lemonade cleaner, which can clean scale, urine and other stains. It can also clean tile joints. Spray lemonade on the joints of the tiles for 15 minutes, and then use the old toothbrush to brush vigorously to remove the stains.

If there is rust on the tiles, you can soak the rust with a mixture of 10% oxalic acid, citric acid and water, and then rub it again with concentrated salt water. If there are fresh lemons, you can squeeze the juice droplets on the rust stains and rub it with your hands. Repeat several times until the rust stains are removed, and then wash them with soapy water.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda is non-toxic and harmless, and it is a good helper at home. You can use baking soda to scrub your kitchen, bathroom, and dining table. For stubborn stains on cement or tiles, use 3 parts of baking soda and 1 part of bleach. The paste can be removed.

The stains on the bathtub anti-slip strip or the tile applique are more difficult to clean. You can moisten the area to be cleaned and sprinkle it with baking soda. Let it stand for 20 minutes and wipe again, then rinse with water.

For soap deposits that accumulate in bathtubs and sinks, you can mix 1/4 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of vinegar with about 3.8 warm water. Pour the mixture on the dirt. Wear rubber gloves to scrub, and finally rinse the bathtub or sink.

To clean the drain of the bathtub or sink, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda, and then pour 1 cup of vinegar. After waiting for 20 minutes, rinse with hot water. 

Also Read: Is the kitchen cloth blackened and dirty? 2 ways to make it look new

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